
184 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

Plugin Name: Set HTML lang attribute per post
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Nils Norman Haukås
Description: This plugin allows you to specify a html lang attribute per post to override the site-wide default.
Domain Path: /languages/
License: GPL2
class Html_Lang
public function __construct()
add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'loadLanguageFile'));
add_filter( 'post_class', array($this, 'htmlLang') );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array($this, 'add_my_meta_boxes') );
add_action( 'save_post', array($this, 'save_htmllang_meta') );
public function htmllang( $classes ) {
$htmllang_stored_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'html-lang', true );
$htmllang_stored_meta = sanitize_text_field( $htmllang_stored_meta );
if( !empty( $htmllang_stored_meta ) ) {
$classes[] = "\"lang=\"" . trim( $htmllang_stored_meta );
return $classes;
public function loadLanguageFile() {
load_plugin_textdomain('htmllang', false, 'htmllang/languages' );
public function add_my_meta_boxes() {
add_meta_box('htmllang-meta-box', __( 'Specify html=lang attribute', 'htmllang' ), array($this, 'show_my_meta_box'), 'post', 'normal', 'high');
public function show_my_meta_box($post) {
wp_nonce_field( basename( __FILE__ ), 'htmllang_nonce' );
<select name="html-lang" id="html-lang">
<?php echo $this->createSelectHtml()?>
<label for="html-lang" class="htmllang-row-title"><?php _e( "Select a language from the drop down menu to specify a language attribute on this post. To remove the post's language attribute select 'default'.", 'htmllang' )?></label>
public static function on_uninstall() {
delete_metadata( 'post', null, 'html-lang', null, true );
public function save_htmllang_meta( $post_id ) {
// Checks save status
$is_autosave = wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id );
$is_revision = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id );
$is_valid_nonce = ( isset( $_POST[ 'htmllang_nonce' ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'htmllang_nonce' ], basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) ? 'true' : 'false';
// Exits script depending on save status
if ( $is_autosave || $is_revision || !$is_valid_nonce ) {
// Checks for input and sanitizes/saves if needed
if( isset( $_POST[ 'html-lang' ] ) ) {
if ($_POST[ 'html-lang' ] != "") {
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'html-lang', sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ 'html-lang' ] ) );
} else {
delete_post_meta( $post_id, 'html-lang', null);
protected function createSelectHtml() {
$result = "";
$htmllang_stored_meta = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'html-lang', true );
<option value="" <?php $this->isDefaultLang( $htmllang_stored_meta ); ?>> Default site-wide language </option>
foreach ($this->localeList() as $locale => $langName) {
<option value="<?php echo $locale;?>" <?php if ( isset ( $htmllang_stored_meta ) ) selected( $htmllang_stored_meta, $locale ); ?>>
<?php echo $langName . " (" . $locale . ") "; ?>
protected function isDefaultLang( $htmllang_stored_meta ) {
if ( isset ( $htmllang_stored_meta ) ) {
selected( $htmllang_stored_meta, "" );
protected function localeList() {
return [
"af" => "Afrikaans",
"sq" => "Albanian",
"ar" => "Arabic",
"eu" => "Basque",
"be" => "Belarusian",
"bs" => "Bosnian",
"bg" => "Bulgarian",
"ca" => "Catalan",
"hr" => "Croatian",
"zh_cn" => " Chinese (Simplified)",
"zh_tw" => " Chinese (Traditional)",
"cs" => "Czech",
"da" => "Danish",
"nl" => "Dutch",
"en" => "English",
"en_us" => " English (US)",
"et" => "Estonian",
"fa" => "Farsi",
"fil" => " Filipino",
"fi" => "Finnish",
"fr" => "French",
"fr_ca" => " French (Canada)",
"ga" => "Gaelic",
"gl" => "Gallego",
"ka" => "Georgian",
"de" => "German",
"de_du" => " German (Personal)",
"el" => "Greek",
"gu" => "Gujarati",
"he" => "Hebrew",
"hi" => "Hindi",
"hu" => "Hungarian",
"is" => "Icelandic",
"id" => "Indonesian",
"it" => "Italian",
"ja" => "Japanese",
"kn" => "Kannada",
"km" => "Khmer",
"ko" => "Korean",
"lo" => "Lao",
"lt" => "Lithuanian",
"lv" => "Latvian",
"ml" => "Malayalam",
"ms" => "Malaysian",
"mi_tn" => " Maori (Ngai Tahu)",
"mi_wwow" => " Maori (Waikoto Uni)",
"mn" => "Mongolian",
"no" => "Norwegian",
"no_gr" => " Norwegian (Primary)",
"nn" => "Nynorsk",
"pl" => "Polish",
"pt" => "Portuguese",
"pt_br" => " Portuguese (Brazil)",
"ro" => "Romanian",
"ru" => "Russian",
"sm" => "Samoan",
"sr" => "Serbian",
"sk" => "Slovak",
"sl" => "Slovenian",
"so" => "Somali",
"es" => "Spanish (International)",
"sv" => "Swedish",
"tl" => "Tagalog",
"ta" => "Tamil",
"th" => "Thai",
"to" => "Tongan",
"tr" => "Turkish",
"uk" => "Ukrainian",
"vi" => "Vietnamese",
} // END class Html_Lang
} // END if(!class_exists('Html_Lang'))
$Html_Lang = new Html_Lang();
register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, array( 'Html_Lang', 'on_uninstall' ) );