created tests for finding rain periods.

This commit is contained in:
Nils Norman Haukås 2014-11-15 23:20:39 +01:00
parent 89561ec163
commit cc80b04feb
6 changed files with 60 additions and 106 deletions

View file

@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"] [org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"] [clj-time "0.8.0"]])
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"] [org.clojure/data.csv "0.1.2"] [clj-time "0.8.0"]]
:profiles {:dev {:plugins [[com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.5.2"]]}})

View file

@ -23,68 +23,35 @@
(defn rainy [entry]
(if (> (rainLevel entry) 0) true false))
(defn addToLastPeriod [x y]
[(conj (butlast x) (conj (last x) y))])
(defn addToEmptyPeriod [x y]
[(conj (butlast x) (conj (last (last x)) y))])
(addToLastPeriod [[[1]]] [2])
(addToEmptyPeriod [[[]]] [2])
(defn createNewPeriod [x y]
(conj x [y]))
(createNewPeriod [[[1] [2]]] [3])
;Create new periods if x y is different places. Or not raining
(defn noCreatedPeriods [x] (empty? (last (last x))))
(empty? (last (last [[[]]])))
(def rolldal ["RØLDAL" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"])
(def moss ["MOSS" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"])
(defn lastEntry [x] (last (last x)))
(defn newPlace [x y] (= (location (lastEntry x))
(location y)))
(location (lastEntry [[rolldal]]))
(newPlace [[rolldal]] moss)
(defn compareFunc [x y]
(do (println (str "processing" (lastEntry x))
(if(noCreatedPeriods x)
(println "add to empty period")
(println (str "created:" (addToEmptyPeriod x y)))
(addToEmptyPeriod x y))
;if new place and raining start building new period
(if(and (rainy (lastEntry x)) (rainy y))
(do (println "They're consecutive rainy days.")(addToLastPeriod x y))
;if it's not consecutive and raining create new period
(if(and (not (consecutiveDay (lastEntry x) y)) (rainy y))
(println "not consecutive, but raining")
(createNewPeriod x y)) x))))))
(defn parseTime [entry]
(let [custom-formatter (f/formatter "dd.MM.YYYY")]
(f/parse custom-formatter (nth entry 1))))
(defn consecutiveDay [entry1 entry2]
(= (t/plus (parseTime entry1) (t/days 1)) (parseTime entry2)))
(or (= (t/plus (parseTime entry1) (t/days 1)) (parseTime entry2))
(= (t/minus (parseTime entry1) (t/days 1)) (parseTime entry2))))
(def data [["RØLDAL" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "02.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "05.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]])
(def listOfPlaces (partition-by (fn [entry] (nth entry 0)) (rest csv)))
(def data (lazy-seq [["RØLDAL" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "02.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "15" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "03.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]]))
(def rolldal (nth listOfPlaces 0))
(reduce compareFunc [[[]]] data)
(defn rainyEntries [place] (filter #(> (convertToNumeric (rainLevel %)) 0) place))
(consecutiveDay (first data) (second data))
(defn addToLastPeriod [x y]
(vec (conj (butlast x) (vec (conj (last x) y)))))
(defn createNewPeriod [x y]
(vec (conj x [y])))
(defn rainyPeriods [raindata] (reduce
(fn [x y]
(if(= [[[]]] x)
(addToLastPeriod (last (last x)) y)
(if(consecutiveDay (last (last x)) y)
(do (println "addingToLastperiod")
(addToLastPeriod x y))
(createNewPeriod x y))))
(rainyPeriods (take 5 (rainyEntries rolldal)))

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
;; Anything you type in here will be executed
;; immediately with the results shown on the
;; right.
(def init [[["test"]][["hello"]]])
(defn nested-array [x] (last (last x)))
(def x (conj (butlast init) [(conj (nested-array init) ["world"])]))
(conj (conj (nested-array init) ["world"]) (butlast init))
(conj x [["another world"]])
[[[1] [2]]
[[1] [3] [4]]]

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
(ns weather-data.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[weather-data.rainiestperiod :refer :all :as weather]))

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
(ns weather-data.rainiest-period-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all])
(:use [weather-data.rainiestperiod :refer :all]))
(deftest test-rainy
(testing "rainy returns true for raininess."
(let [x ["RØLDAL" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]]
(is (= true (rainy x))))))
(deftest test-add-to-period
(testing "is able to build rainy period."
(let [x [1]
y [2]]
(is (= (addToLastPeriod [[x]] y)
[[x y]])))))
(= (addToLastPeriod [[[1]]] 2) [[[1] [2]]])
(deftest test-add-new-period
(testing "is able to build new rainy period."
(let [x [1]
y [2]
z [3]]
(is (=
(createNewPeriod (addToLastPeriod [[[x]]] y) z)
[[[x y]] [[z]]])))))
(run-tests 'weather-data.rainiest-period-test)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
(ns weather-data.rainiestperiod-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all][weather-data.rainiestperiod :refer :all :as weather]))
(deftest add-1-to-1
(is (= 2 (+ 1 1))))
(deftest testAddToLastPeriod
(let [x [[["entry1"]["entry2"]]]
y ["entry3"]
result [[["entry1"]["entry2"]["entry3"]]]]
(is (= (weather/addToLastPeriod x y) result))))
(deftest testCreateNewPeriod
(let [x [[["entry1"]["entry2"]]]
y ["entry3"]
result [[["entry1"]["entry2"]][["entry3"]]]]
(is (= (weather/createNewPeriod x y) result))))
(deftest testConsecutiveDay
(let [x [[["RØLDAL" "26.10.2014" "-" "-" "-" "42.7" "0" "0" "Regn"]]]
y ["RØLDAL" "27.10.2014" "-" "-" "-" "57.0" "0" "0" "Regn"]]
(is (weather/consecutiveDay (last (last x)) y))))
(def initData (take 5 (weather/rainyEntries weather/rolldal)))
(def result [[["RØLDAL" "01.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "19.9" "25" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "02.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "2.0" "19" "4" "Regn"]]
[["RØLDAL" "05.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "3.0" "15" "4" "Regn"]
["RØLDAL" "06.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "1.4" "17" "4" "Regn.snø.sludd"]
["RØLDAL" "07.01.1960" "-" "-" "-" "0.2" "15" "4" "Regn"]]])
(deftest testRainyPeriods
(is (= (weather/rainyPeriods initData) result)))